In-person Worship

We are happy to welcome you back to in-person worship at 9:30am. We hope you will join us.

Streaming Live

First Church Sunday worship service is now streaming live on Facebook. You can find us or  CLICK HERE

Online Giving

If you wish to make a donation please CLICK HERE

October 20, 2024

Acts 10:34-38
“Faith Hacks -Do Good”

October 27, 2024

Reformation Sunday

Psalm 105:4, Colossians 2:6-7
“Faith Hacks – Stay in Love With God”

November 3, 2024

All Saints Sunday

Genesis 1:26-27
“Grounded in Gratitude – Divine Gifts”

"Faith Hacks" New Sermon Series

September 8th - October 27th

United Women of Faith Fall Boutique

November 2 - 9:00am-2:00pm

We will be offering a “Box-to-Go” lunch from 11:30am to 1:00pm for $15. You can take your lunches home but we hope to have some Café patio room for dining on the premises. To make reservations for your lunch ticket please contact the church office (562) 431-0494 or Kathy Fellers (916) 342-0488.
For more information contact the Office at

Fall Bible Studay

October 2 - November 13, 2024

The World-Shattering Ministry of Jesus”
Wednesday’s Zoom @ 7:30pm

This 7-week study focuses on Jesus as a revolutionary figure and change agent, both in his own context and in ours and will help adults understand the radical nature of Jesus’ ministry for and among all people, including the “outcast,” and how Jesus models for us a ministry that challenges and pushes the limits. The book is available on Amazon.
Contact the office @ 562-431-0494 if you’d like to join us.

United Women in Faith

2nd Monday of the month Hybrid @ 10:30am

The United Women in Faith (UWF) is a group of First Church women who serve their church and its missions through study and fellowship. During their meetings they study God’s call for good works and pray for those in need. They also discuss events that they are sponsoring to raise funds for mission support. For more information, call the office at (562) 431-0494 or Kathy Fellers (562) 296-5889 or Charlotta Butler (562) 431-8540.

Teatime Chat

Zoom Tuesday's 3:00pm

Teatime chat is a time to join together to chat and catch up. Pastor Tia will send out the Zoom invite each week, please contact Pastor Tia if you would like to join.

Mission Ministry Fellowship

1st Thursday of the Month at 10:00am

Mission Ministry Fellowship is tasked with supporting local, national and international missions for First Church.

Who We Are?

Our Ministries

Music Ministry

The Music Ministry is made up of the Chancel choir and Sonshine Ringers (Handbell Choir). The Music Season starts up in September.

Youth Ministry

The Youth Group meets once a month for social activities, work related projects, community service and Religious studies. The group is open to all middle school and high school students regardless if they are a church member or not.

Wedding Ministry

First United Methodist Church in Seal Beach is dedicated to the glory of God. It is maintained by its members and friends to serve the community. We at First Church are happy to help make your wedding beautiful and to give it Christian significance.

Worship & Miracle Prayer Teams

The Worship Team works with Pastor Tia and others to plan and prepare for our worship services. They get the sanctuary ready (communion elements, paraments, etc.) and help to plan special worship services.

United Women of Faith (UWF) Ministry

The UWF is a group of First Church women who serve the church and its missions through study and fellowship. During their meetings, on the second Monday of the month, at 10:30am they study God’s call for good works and pray for those in need.

Men’s Fellowship Ministry

The Men’s Breakfast Group meets at 7:30am every Thursday at Blackboard Bistro on PCH. All men are welcome and invited to join in our fellowship anytime.

Children’s Ministry

All our teachers are volunteers and teach our young children about the Word of God. The Children’s Ministry is in charge of Sunday School, Young Explorers of the Bible and Vacation Bible School.

Upcoming Events


UWF Fall Boutique

9:00 am — 2:00 pm
@ Fellowship Hall
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